It's not PMS, It's YOU

To the cab drivers who always cut me off on every main downtown street possible: you are a fucking asshole. You drive all day (you drive "professionally") and you are the absolute worst. $2.00 just to get in the cab so I can smell your BO, Mohammed? I don't think so.

It's not PMS, it's YOU.

To the callers at work who ask me simple questions that can be found on our f-ing website: you are a complete idiot. Yeah, I'd like to ask you a question, captain. How in the world did you get that high-paying job? Ohhhhhh, riiiiiight. You're USED to some pee-on assistant doing all of your thinking/reading/writing for you so you can do whatever it is that you do. Silly me. You wanted me to read the website to you; and while I'm at it, why don't I just pick up your lunch at Corner Bakery?!

It's not PMS, it's YOU

To the mounting load of laundry in my living room...I am going to deal with you sometime soon. I know I've been saying that for a week. But unlike winter clothes I have a TON of summer clothes. So, I can really hold out for a pretty good while.

That will be all.

In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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