Speed of Light

Things are moving so quickly in every part of my life that I'm going to give the little updates from the various "Fronts"...also it is finally starting to warm up in Chicago which means it is TOO NICE outside to be in my apartment on my laptop.

Medical School Front
An envelope (a small one, too) arrived to let me know that I've been selected for a sizeable scholarship from a foundation in my hometown. I stood in my mailroom and cried. To be given such a generous gift, to be believed in by a group of people means so much and is a very humbling experience.

Tomorrow I get to go get blood drawn to see which vaccinations I need. I will be a human pin-cushion...I thought I was going to medical school to be on the GIVING end of the needles, not the RECEIVING end. Just kidding. (Kinda).

Apartment Front
I am able to get out of my very expensive downtown lease almost two months early to move closer to school. Woo! It will mean a little more hustle than I was expecting but is nothing that I can't handle.

I'm going to miss living right downtown but will certainly still be near Chicago. We'll see how this whole "stranded in suburbia" thing plays out. The rents are less (thank God) and they have strip malls! And parking! And IKEA! Yay.

Friend Front
Have been having a lot of fun meeting up different friends for dinner during the workweek...mostly to eat stir-fry or sushi. Yum. Am starting to think serious workout regimen will be in order very soon....

Met a few more of R's friends this weekend at his party. All of them are really good guys. Got to know R's sisters better this weekend as well.

Boyfriend Front
This past weekend we celebrated his 30th birthday in style...
Friday night was dinner and dessert...Saturday we went to a famous hot-dog stand, went bowling at the hip House of Blues and then I put together a get-together with family and friends at a favorite bar...Sunday (the actual birthday) we went to a big sports game and then went out later on (even though we were exhausted)...Monday night there was dinner and delicious pie at his parent's house.

I am reviewing the pics from the weekend and am starting to marvel at how awesome we're getting at taking pictures together. Some of them are so sweet, happy and playful rather than cut-and-paste perfect couple. Everyone who has seen some of them is like, "Wow! You guys take really awesome pictures."

This weekend we're planning to go to an Irish fest and I'm stoked about the 3-day weekend.
Love him. He loves me. We're enjoying every minute together and still wanting more. He is amazing.

More later.


In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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