Only because she does good jazz hands

I don't usually do these things, but because it's Tex I guess I will.
And it's one of those awful alphabet ones too. Oh boy.

A- Attached or Single? Attached. You all know him--R.
B- Best Friend: From the guy side of life, probably Nick, Andrew or Brian. From the girl side of life, probably Susan, Katie or Lindsay.
C- Cake or Pie: Pie.
D- Drink of Choice: Beer=Miller Lite, Mixed=Bacardi and Diet.
E- Essential Item: Estee Lauder Mascara in Black.
F- Favorite Color: Pink. Duh.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms? Gummi Bears 4 eva.
H- Hometown: Southern California.
I- Indulgence: Sleeping in Late. Buying things on Victoria's Secret Online. Ben and Jerry's.
J- January or February: January b/c of New Year's Eve, February b/c of 14th (if I have a man).
K- Kids: Not more than 4, someday. During or after residency. We'll see.
L- Life is incomplete without: Faith. Honesty. Love. Diet Coke.
M- Marriage Date: Who knows?
N- Number of Siblings: One sister
O- Oranges or Apples? Apples-but only if they are Pink Lady or Fuji. (I know, APPLE SNOB!)
P- Phobias/Fears. Not being able to have children. Falling down a flight of stairs. Being a bad MD.
Q- Favorite Quote: "To love and be loved is to feel the sun on both sides." D. Wiscott
R- Reasons to smile: A great family, some fun friends, and a fabulous boyfriend!
S- Season: Summer
T- Tag Three: A-So Midwestern, K-Not Yet a Girl, Not Yet a Wino and T-Tammy Talks Alot
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I LOVE to vaccum. Love it. Come and see how clean my carpets are.
V-Vegetarian or Not: I do love the meats. I do love the good Morningstar burgers though, too.
W- Worst Habit: I am a total chatterbox. Kind of neurotic. Perfectionist.
X – X-rays or Ultrasounds? Depends on the diagnosis. Take that Doogie Howser.
Y- Your Favorite Foods. Mashed Potatoes. Cheese. Fried Chicken. Mangoes. Chocolate Ice Cream.
Z- Zodiac: Sagittarius, in the house.

In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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