All Crinkly

I hate the way my face feels when I've been crying

It doesn't matter if I'm 6 or 16 or 25. Apparently, my eyes are going to sting, my neck is going to ache, and the whites of my eyes slightly crimson.

I had a Lean Cuisine pizza for dinner and the garlic is still in my teeth.

My top half is in the blouse I was wearing for work and my bottom half in polka-dot boxers.

My head won't stop pounding, my alarm is too early and I'm still on the computer for who-knows-what reason.

I can't handle the work stress and the idea of pulling money from savings for the start of med-school.

I spoke cordially to my ex only to confirm that my minimal payments will be coming this summer--I'll need it for books and lab fees and ramen.

R sent me a sweet text message tonight--that he had a bad day (we knew it was going to be so, not that it makes it better) but that the note I left him (this morning, on his pillow) brightened his day. Love him. Love him with the little, tiny bit of energy I have left rustling around somewhere in there.

This too, shall pass.

In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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