Just relaxing is so underrated

Things I liked about myself this weekend:

1. I had a lot of "naughty" foods like a cheeseburger, a cookie, a quesadilla--and I didn't "overdo" any of them. I ate as much as I wanted (never the whole thing) and then left the rest. Ditto with alcohol--I can count the drinks I had this weekend on one hand. But I didn't feel deprived. Somehow when everything's okay and there are no "bad" foods, there is no binge eating.

2. I burned off a lot of the calories from above food by helping clean house, by walking places instead of driving and by staying on my feet.

3. I let myself take a nap when I got tired and overwhelmed on Saturday afternoon. For a whole hour. I slept AWESOME.

4. I didn't take things too personally. By things, I mean, stuff that went bad for other people that had NOTHING to do with me. I kept smiling and stayed relaxed. I didn't hurry places and I didn't worry too much.

5. I resisted the urge to call R right back after getting his sweet message tonight, in fact, I didn't call him back tonight at all. Less is more. A little bit of space brings closeness. I love the way he said he appreciated the weekend, that he said that he loves me, and that he wants to see me tomorrow for sure. It would have been nice to talk to him, but at the end of the weekend my mind is in a million places and I was still enjoying churning our experiences together through my mind, going over the things we did together. (And I know I'm going to see him tomorrow night, so I am all set in knowing what to expect.)

6. I got mom's day cards for my grandmom, my aunt and R's mom and filled them all out and got them all ready to go (with addresses and stamps and everything!). So I'll be right on time with the cards. Yay!


In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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