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Secret Relationship Wishes

I believe that whether you're conscious of it or not, girls, there is a secret "bonus" list of things that you give inordinate amounts of "relationship points" for if the man you're dating does any of those things or turns out to be any of the things on the list.

This was touched on slightly in "Something about Mary" with the guy being an architect, remember? Everyone's list is different, clearly, so no man reading this should try to use my list as a guide for all girls, however, they may still be a very good idea.

Here is a partial list of the things that I will always flip for. (If R turns out to get most of these things, I just might have to keep him around indefinitely). The more things a man gets in the first year you're together, the more points you give.
Clearly, there are times when someone does something wonderful and you never would have thought of it yourself. To that, I say bring it on.

Who else has some secret love wishes? Let's hear it.

In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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