And the Answer Is...
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 | posted by Kate | permalink | |

A Cladaugh ring with a green stone in the heart!
The question, of course, was "What was in that little box in R's pocket?" The rule about this apparently is that whoever gives you the ring must be someone who loves you. Guess who told me this rule?

Yeah. He's intense. And, most of you readers called it: the man is totally smitten. Good detective work, everyone.

Since I got this ring I have been wearing it dreamily, just enjoying the simple fact that I know where R stands and that position is: totally adoring me. Yes! He really is the perfect boyfriend for right now--has his own life and own friends, is plenty busy at work and is totally sweet to me otherwise.

Will it become something more?
Who knows. I'm not too worried about any of that right now, just enjoying being well taken care of and relaxing in all aspects of my life until medical school starts. This whole thing with him came up pretty fast and is seeming to advance pretty quickly, which makes me both excited and leery about it. It might be a total fly-by-night romance, or one of those hot-and-heavy things that burns out eventually, or it might be something else. The only remedy for me (unlike in the past) is to not push the issue, just sit back and let time go by.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday.


In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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