
No HIV/Clap for me

So I got my results ( via telephone and everything was NEGATIVE! Woo!
Even though I didn't have horrible reason to worry, there is always some cause for concern, you know? Viruses and bacteria rock all of our worlds. Apparently, not mine for now. I am the queen of safe sex, y'all. The freakin' queen! Woo!

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

I am so excited about going to R's holiday party tonight. Last night I went for a drive with him (before the HUGE BLIZZARD THAT HIT CHICAGO!) through a gorgeous neighborhood near Comiskey (he's looking for a pretty flat in a brownstone in that area) and then we went to one of those great burger places where you walk up and order, and then pick up your stuff at the counter. It is in this great Irish/Italian neighborhood and there was this HUGE kid birthday party in there. We had a good homey drive past homes with xmas lights and little santas. He is so great, you guys. I can't wait to be his stunning date for this party tonight. Here goes nothing.

In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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