Cancel the tickets for the Guilt Trip, I'm not going
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 | posted by Kate | permalink | |

Maybe I should feel bad about C

What is funny is that I don't. Do not. There have been little warning signs, little referees throwing the yellow flags onto the field with him here and there. There is no point in me feeling bad just to, well, feel bad.

It also doesn't hurt that I have plenty of choices. Tammy left a great comment indicating that men can tell when they are not being totally adored by a woman anymore--and you know what? I think she's right. He felt like I was being more distant because I WAS being more distant.

A Sweet Message from R

So R leaves me a message explaining that he was awakened from sleep early this morning (on what was SUPPOSED to be his day off) and called into work. Boo! That totally sucks for him. He was really sweet on the message though, kind of starting to laugh at one point while he was talking about what was going on with him. He has this deep, throaty laugh and gorgeous smile when he's amused. Just hearing him laugh for a second totally made me smile.

In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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