Total Request Live
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 | posted by Kate | permalink | |

So I've gotten a request to give a recap of ALL of my dates so far.

Here's the format: Name (initial), Job, Where did we meet, details.

1st date: J, attorney, wine bar, gentlemanly but boring. Dressed kind of like Dilbert.

2nd date: R, cop, signature room, funny but not at all like his pictures. Did bring me yellow roses though.

3rd date: B, firefighter, downtown places, see other posts. He did get a second date, but that was all.

4th date: C, nerdy engineer, sports bar, sweet but cautious. Still dating. Current front runner. I totally like him.

5th date: C, cop, coffee, cool but not like his profile. Over-philosophizes things. Unsure where to go with this one.

6th date: S, finance, sports bar, rambles on and on about all kinds of weird stuff. Interesting sense of humor. Not certain that he's attracted to me. On our second date, we went to see the Borat movie. He called me on Monday (left a short message) and then sent me an email today letting me know that he had called me. I think he's a little socially retarded but we'll see.

7th date: J, computer engineer, sports bar, jewish and nerdy. Fairly smart and interesting, but much skinnier and nerdier in real life. Totally well-moneyed but trying to play like he's not. He was incredibly nervous the entire date with me and seemed kind of intimidated. If he was more confident, maybe. We'll see what he does.

So I've been out with SEVEN different guys since I started doing Match. I really like the nerdy engineer and am supposed to be going out with him tomorrow. I hope things progress well with him but am hedging my bets and continuing to contact more guys. I also think this will help me to not seem over-interested in him and to be busy with other things. I should not let him see that I am willing to completely re-arrange some of my schedule so that I can spend time with him. He is the kind of guy that makes me want to do that though, and I need to take it slow and make sure he is the kind of guy that deserves that kind of consideration from me.

love until later,

In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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