Prescription: Drama

Okay. So I'm going to introduce to you all my FOUR major love interests in my life, so you'll know who they are (Not really in order of preference, mind you...)

#1: Mr. Unavailable (Thirties)

I guess it is fitting that this guy gets top billing, because he holds the real trump card over the others--if at some point he WAS available (and I hate to admit this) I would completely drop whoever it was that I was seeing to be with him. You can all slap me on the wrists whenever you feel like it, but it is the honest-to-goodness truth. Because he's not available (see, not just a cute name...) I have to pursue other options, which, fine.

#2: The Firefighter (Mid-Twenties)

Things are a little off with him. I don't know, I feel like he and I have great chemistry but otherwise not a whole lot else. We are really, really different people. He is going to be REALLY laid back, the kind of man who doesn't really take me out to nice dinners or whatever...fancy is not really his style. Frankly I think I am still sort of entranced by nice things and by the whole romance thing so I am not sure if he's the guy for me. He knows that I really like him, and whatever, and I (kind of) agreed not to see other people, but he's waffling about things and not really making time for me, so...I'm going to do what I want. And that is possibly not him if he doesn't want to make me a priority.

#3: The Nerdy Engineer (Turning 30 soon!)

This guy got divorced a while ago. He got a raw deal from his ex-wife, from the sounds of it. He's sexy, shy and sweet. What is nice about him is that he really seems to understand this whole what-its-like-to-be-divorced thing and we had a good repertoire together--laughing, telling nerdy jokes, talking about science. He and I have a lot in common and I know he'd be a very traditional boyfriend albeit a bit quirky and nerdy. In a few ways he reminds me of #1 but slightly more shy. After a drink on Wednesday, he sent me an email to say that he had a really good time and wanted to see me again, maybe even tonight or tomorrow. He's definitely someone that I would enjoy getting to know better.

#4: Mr. Office Space (Late Twenties)

Mr. Office Space is the dark horse of the group. He's quirky but cool. He talked a little about how he's adopted when I asked him about his family. I sort of have a soft spot for him because of that. I am not sure that I'm attracted to him, though. He made a few comments when we were out for a drink that made him seem like a total cheapskate. He did tip the waiter appropriately, though.

In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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