And Another Thing
Saturday, November 04, 2006 | posted by Kate | permalink | |

Okay. So I'm taking stock of this whole dating situation, once again.
I have PMS, so this possibly explains my inner turmoil and need to "work" through this by typing it out.

So. Who am I most interested in (that's available) RIGHT NOW?
Definitely the nerdy engineer. He's got brains, a job, is going to school, is sexy as hell and is a ton of fun. Because I like him I am working on being as COOL as possible about this. I need to let him take the lead, and he did. I got an email from him today (WOO! YEAH! HELL YEAH!) just telling me about his day and saying hi. So that is a GOOD SIGN! I wrote him back a short email thanking him for breakfast and wishing him luck on an upcoming examination. The email wasn't flirty or whatever, it was just nice. I mean, it was forward enough for me to SLEEP OVER AT HIS HOUSE! Haha.

Surprisingly, the date with Mr. Office Space was hot and cold. He's cute and occasionally funny, but has a tendency to ramble. He only lives a few buildings over and asked if he could come over and hang out later and I said, "why not" because I think he might be different in a more low-pressure type situation.

These two are my top contenders.

The current dark-horse is the cop that I had coffee with today, he seems nice but over-philosophizes things. I am willing to have dinner with him to see if I can deal with his general vibe and attitude.

The following have been AXED:
The firefighter---cool but unsophisticated. Hopelessly unrefined. Arrogant. DONE.
Others from Match---the profile is down and out for now, since I have two good contenders and am feeling out #3.

I am having a good time with this and it is nice to be figuring out what I like and what I'm interested in, and what I am NOT. I am also discovering that I am having an easier time finding men that I'm attracted to, so sexual compatibility may not be issue for me that I thought it would be. Mental/emotional compatibility is going to be the hard one and that will wrap around to sexual compatibility again.

I'm going to throw some laundry in and try not to think too much about how I'd like to be seeing the nerdy engineer again tonight. Something about him feels good--but I felt that way initially about the firefighter too, and he turned out to be a dud. So I'm proceeding with caution instead of abandon, which...yeah, that's better.

Love until Later,

In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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