Talk Nerdy to Me
Saturday, November 04, 2006 | posted by Kate | permalink | |

if music is the universal language
think of me as one whole note

if science has the most perfect language
just think of me as MC squared

since mathematics can speak to the infinite
picture me as 1 to the first power

what i mean is one day
i'm gonna grab your love

and you'll be satisfied

(Nikki Giovanni, Communication)

So here's the update on the engineer. I picked this poem this morning because last night I was having talks with him about MATH and SCIENCE stuff. Haha! Dig it. Dig that he's smart. He has a pretty nice apartment, hardwood floors, typical bachelor-type pad...his heater doesn't work super great though, and it was kinda cold last night so we ended up under some blankets on his couch to watch a movie.

Gentle readers, before you start conjuring images of the downtown girl getting freaky on the couch, let me assure you that this guy was being a gentleman, and my body language was definitely hesitant. Also, we were watching a funny movie so that kept things lighthearted as well. I could tell he didn't WANT to behave, but he was doing a good job, and it always feels good to be treated like a lady, ya know?

So, it got late and he invited me to stay, promising that we'd just hang out and that it would be nice for us to get to continue cuddling. I wasn't going to dispute that, and decided to stay. We spent a lot of time awake, alternating telling stories and listening to one another. Occasionally he'd interrupt me to gently kiss my lower lip, my nose or my forehead and I'd giggle.

We definitely have some good chemistry going, but are being fairly cautious on both sides. I knew better than to tease or provoke him, too, because right then was NOT the time to test how much teasing he could handle before he would totally tackle me. This instinct was correct--This morning he kissed me from the base of my neck to the small of my back, tracing my spine with his lips, and then announced that he was amazed at his own willpower. I like the attention from him but am not sure I'm all the way comfortable with him. But I'm trying.

We laid in bed for a long while this morning, stretching and waking up slowly, being lazy together. He brightened considerably at one point, mentioning that there was a cool little local place around the corner that makes the best omelets. And so we went, and he was right-the place was homey and rustic, the food was delicious and I felt glad that I had a date where we actually got breakfast together the next day.

Everyone cross your fingers that he gives me a call in the next few days. I think he's got some potential.

What's on the plate for today? Well---definitely one, possibly two dates. I'm going to go hop in the shower, blow dry my hair, and get ready to go see an afternoon showing of the Borat movie (Hawkins, I'm going to see it with you, too, don't cry) with #4 Office Space and then am supposed to meet up later with someone new.

#5 The Cop
He's funny on the phone and seems like a real laid-back guy. I'm a bit leery of cops though b/c I think they can be a little psycho sometimes.

So where are we in this mess of 5?

Well. I think I'm going to have to vote the Firefighter off the island. He's going to be bummed because I did tell him that I "really like" him, (and I did) but I don't think that is going to cut it. I think the two of us are really, really different and that he is not going to give me what I want/need in a relationship. (Hence, no poon.) I am supposed to talk to him or see him tomorrow and I think I'm just going to avoid him, maybe call him in a few days and tell him it's not working out. How do people normally handle this?

So, here are the guys, in order of preference:
1. The Nerdy Engineer (Call me! Call me!)
2. Mr. Office Space (We'll see, you may be getting voted off the island soon, too!)
3. The Cop (In last place b/c we still need to go on a date)

Who's getting the boot?
1. The Firefighter. (Over it!)

I know, it's all so shallow.

Love until later,

In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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