All together now: "Oh, Yeah!"

Score one for Team R!

So last night R planned this whole evening for us--out to a romantic, quiet old brownstone for an authentic Italian dinner and then to Wrigleyville for some improv comedy. Afterwards we hit up a bar and by 1:30 am, I was exhausted. I was totally yawning on the ride home. Oops.

R's amazing and totally fun, too. He actually does that thing where he'll switch sides if we're walking down the street so he can be on the car side. So if we're in a crosswalk and someone runs a light, they are going to hit him first.

[I didn't know about the above courtesy until I met Mr. Big, BTW. He was the first one to do that, and I gave him a moderate amount of shit about it. Hell, I still tease him about it by waving my hands back and forth on either side (sort of like the "Emergency signal" in Team America) to indicate: "WHERE ARE YOU GOING NOW?!?!"]

Taking me on dates is probably getting EXPENSIVE for R at this point. I mean, a concert, parking, dinner, dinner (again), parking, a comedy show, drinks, etc. He's the one doing the inviting though, so he must be fine with it. I know, I shouldn't worry about this stuff and I have been really appreciative of him but feel kinda bad. Or maybe the guys I've been with have been letting me do too much. Maybe I should sit back and let someone take care of me and repay them with the pleasure of my company (hahahah) and stunning good looks (heheheheheh!).

Maybe we should make Hallmark Cards?

I think it is all worth his while, though. At one point we were totally just kissing on some random street. How did we get to this point? Well. He had leaned over to kiss me while we were walking (which has happened before with us, a couple of kisses, no big deal, right?) but this time he pulled me in all the way. We were on one of those pretty residential streets full of big brick three-stories with lumbering porches and white lights in the trees...and here I am, breathless in the arms of this man I've spent under 10 hours with.
Yeah, we were that couple that can kiss and walk at the same time. I know. Everybody barf now.

The kicker is that I asked him if he was normally this affectionate in public. His response: "Never."

Who Wants To Come in Second? (Anyone? Bueller?)

If things get more exclusive with R, I think I'll have to 'break up' with C, let him know that I'm seeing someone else that I want to be with. I am starting to already feel bad about C, seeing as he is a clear second choice already. The bad part about this, is, what if I meet someone I like more than R? Is that POSSIBLE? When do you stop "trading up?" I don't want to hurt any of these guys or be a total heartbreaker or anything. I know they are big boys and that I have no commitment to them, but it's wrong on some level to sneak past a man's defenses, get totally under his skin and then suddenly break up with him (when nothing's 'wrong', per se) because you meet someone you like 'better.'

In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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