"Strange Vibes"

Wherein C starts to smell a rat

The message I got from C last night:
Hey. I was thinking that we should see each other--I'm not adverse to taking [the subway] to come up and see you. Talk to you later."

While I was in the bath I got this message from C and then a message from R. And then I had to decide what I wanted to do.

(Cue Jeopardy! Theme)

So R wanted to come over and watch a movie with me, and I thought, great! But then I had to call C and make up some lame excuse.

K: "Hey, C. I got your message. I'd like to see you, too, but I am really busy with studying and need to get to bed early tonight."
C: "Yeah, okay. I just thought it would be good for us to see each other. Next week is going to be weird with Thanksgiving and all."
K: "Yeah. We'll figure it out. Maybe tomorrow?"
C: "Okay. Sounds good. Hey, is everything cool with us? I'm getting this strange vibe from you."
K: "Yeah, everything's fine. I have just been really busy with work, school, friends, etc."
C: "Okay then. Talk to you soon."

What's funny is that now that I have other things going on, now C is calling me 2x a day and leaving sweet messages saying that he wants to see me and that he'll endure the 30 minutes on the subway to do so. A week ago I would have been over the moon to get a message like that from him.

More about R

So we had a few little talks and I found out the following important
information about R:
He was really impressed the other night at the bar (where we met up with some of his friends) with how well I fit in with his group of friends. He said that it felt like we were way beyond our second date. I would have to agree. We made an extremely good appearance together. This could be a fluke, or it could just mean that we both have the same ideas about how someone we're dating is supposed to behave in public situations. He noted that his cousin and one of his good friends went out of their way to tell him how much they liked me. Sweet!

Seriously, he is amazing, you guys. I feel really comfortable with him, not that psycho out of control thing that I felt when I was trying to chase down C, but more of a calmness about the whole thing. I know R likes me. I like him. I feel good about this and excited about when I'm going to see him again.

It is also possible that I am just getting more comfortable with dating. It sounds AWFUL but I feel like I worked out some of the "kinks" (the things you SHOULDN'T say/do/talk about) on previous dates and now (albeit my usual weirdness) am a bit more polished and put together, just in time to meet someone amazing like R.

I'm sure there will be some embarrassing moments in store for me, in front of R, but they won't be because of inexperience. Probably because of general klutziness. I am klutz-tastic.

My Friend Wants to Kill Me
So one of my really good friends, a total confidant, told me that he doesn't want me to talk to him about my whole dating thing. I was really hurt about this because he was kind of the only one I was trusting enough to talk about things directly and ask questions to and stuff. So I'm bummed that he doesn't want to hear about things. I feel kind of stifled.

So there will probably be a lot more posts coming from me, maybe twice daily so that I can get out all of these thoughts.

I love your comments and your emails, everyone. Thanks for reading.


In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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