Backside Attack, Not So Fun

Or, RED light means Stop, Asshole!

I was rear-ended on a major road here in Chicago. One concussion later, I was flat on my ass in bed last night and have been resting all of today. I would move but it fucking hurts. Shitballs, Motherfucker, indeed. Shitballs, Motherfucker: The Reprise. Okay?

Let's go back in time to tomorrow morning, also: shitty.

The beginning of yesterday started out not so good, with one lock-out of my office and about 800 too many tasks to do in the span of one fucking workday. I had my first official meltdown at work yesterday, too. God, you guys, it's been a long time since I've cried at work but I was just so OVER IT. Between the swirl of requests from clients, staff and vendors, I was just done. I had been putting in crazy hours, often with no real breaks and under extreme pressure. The tears came and for the first time, I didn't punish myself for it. If I was going to have a nervous breakdown, then dammit, I am ENTITLED to that.

Saves the Day?

I cried a little and then calmed down a bit and gave R a call. He was sweet and extremely concerned and even offered to drive out from his worksite out of state to come and be with me. Of course, I talked him out of it. In hindsight, I should have let him come out right then--but I had no way of knowing I was going to have an accident and get hurt. I talked to him a couple more times that afternoon between his patients and he offered a few more times to come out and I reminded him (foolishly) that he would need to return back the very same night for more patients out there this morning (today). He needs to learn when NOT to listen to me! Haha. I need to learn to not talk him out of things.

He called later on when I was at the hospital to see how I was doing. It broke my heart to have to tell him I had had that accident, and I realized right then how badly I wanted him to be there, and how frightened I was from my head injury, and how I didn't want to be alone when something bad happened.

In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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