So Glam

I think I might call him. (NOT)

On Sunday I decided to head out to a big mall in the 'burbs to do some shopping. (I didn't get anything for anyone ELSE, mind you, but that's another post, about my personal selfishness, heh). I mapquested the way there and figured I would head back the way I came. WRONG! The tollway (the toolway is what I initially fitting) wasn't anywhere to be found.

I pull into a gas-station, all old-school and roll up to the cashier. She starts to give me directions when this tall construction worker announces that he has the best, most easiest way and that he could write it down for me. So, fine. I let him do that, because the cashier looked confused anyway. He makes some comment about me calling him when I get back to the city. I smile and nod, not really thinking about it, instead thinking about the meatloaf sandwich with mashed potatoes at PJ's. I get in my car and am two sips into my Vitamin Water when I realize that after the directions is this guy's name and phone number! OH FUCK NO.

Imagine the story: "I met your father in a gas station."

I'm thinking not.

In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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