Happy Holidays
Thursday, December 21, 2006 | posted by Kate | permalink | |

Oh, Holy Night, Oh, Fucked-Up Flight

They cancelled one of my major connections today, because it ran through Denver.
Unhelpfully, the people at Orbitz informed me that if I cancelled one part of my flights it would completely screw over the rest of my reservation. Because it is SO F-ING UNREASONABLE to STILL NEED MY RETURN FLIGHT BACK! So to the tune of $700 I am on a different flight on Friday morning. And hoping that they will still let me take my return flights (THAT ARE ALREADY PAID FOR!) home. Now if I could just get through on the phone lines.

What is important is that I will get to spend Christmas with my family. Woo.

Thank You

I would like to thank each and every one of you (okay, all three of you, haha) for reading and moving with me to this new blog. I love your comments and your emails. Thank you for being interested in reading my random thoughts. May your flights not be cancelled, may you get everything you want and nothing you need.


In my own little world of whatever. I'm just sayin'.

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